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Golden Butterfly aus Curbechi (Fernando) BRI ny 11 (black goldentipped) *2012-05-05 Blood group A, FeLV/FIV neg (july 2012)  PKD-neg (DNA tested by UC Davis, CA HCM normal aug 2013. Caring dilution.

Owned together with Grith Grandal Hansen-Schwartz/DK*Grandal's

In order to supply breeding of Brittish shorthair gold/silver in Scandinavia new lines we decided together with good friends in Denmark to import this male. Brittish shorthair gold/silver is very inbred throughout Europe (the world), but breeder Beate 'aus Curbechi' made outcrosses to PER/EXO that broaden breeding. We are grateful to take part of this work, and hope that Fernando after the last tests will present our breeding lines new qualities but especially broadening the genetic base. He has a short, thick fur with a deep golden colour. Emerald eyes. Muscular and cobby.

Warm thanks to breeder Beate Mehrhoff that we together with DK*Grandal's have become the owner of this little lion!